Planning/Business License Dept


Kathy Teague

101 Sharpe Avenue
P.O. Box 987
Union, SC  29379
Phone:  864-429-1720
Fax:  864-429-1686

For a Business License or Permits, contact Kathy Teague at
864-429-1720 ext. 1338 or by email at
Email Planning Dept.

For the Code Official, contact the Code Enforcement Office at

For the Building Inspector, call 864-429-1720.

The Planning Department is responsible for enforcing all zoning regulations and building, mechanical, electrical & plumbing codes within the corporate limits of the City of Union. The department is also responsible for issuing all permits and handling all inspections for construction and renovation work as well as all condemnations and clean up of overgrown lots within the City of Union.

Mission Statement

The City of Union Planning Department will work to ensure sound construction of new building, promote steady maintenance of existing buildings and enforce regulations and development practices in accordance with state and local codes, regulations, laws, and ordinances.

This will be accomplished by expediting the permit and inspection process without compromising the public health, safety, and general welfare to life and property from fire and other hazards attributed to the built environment.